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Design a Stunning Resume

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

If you are in the market looking for a job, you'll need a resume that will grab the reader's attention. Check out our essential design tips to help you win that interview.


Depending on which part of the world you are in, a single page resume to a maximum of 3 page resume is our recommendation. Laying out all that you've done in the last 10 years or more is not so important compared to bringing out those key skills and projects you've done and presenting them in your resume to get that all-so-important interview call.

Writing a 3-4 bullet point summary at the top of your resume is something most candidates in the IT domain tend to ignore. Technical skills, Work History, Achievements, Education, Certifications, Affiliations, Language skills are some of the other key elements of your resume.

Add links to your resume

When creating your resume you may add your personal links such as:

  • Your LinkedIn page (we all know this is almost a given in today's world)

  • Your Facebook or Twitter page

  • Link to galleries to showcase your design skills (for example, if you are a web designer)

Write a Cover Letter

I have been a recruiter for the last 15 years and I have hardly seen anyone write a cover letter these days. Let me tell you this: If I get someone send me a resume and a cover letter, I'll always open up the cover letter first. This gives the reader to quickly understand many things about you, so my advice is not to ignore writing a cover letter.

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